De l'autre côté de la colline, c'est la rade de Villefranche qui offre son écrin argenté.
On the other side of the hill, there's the harbour of Villefranche that offers its silver shelter.
Villefranche se love tout au fond de la baie, à l'abri des vagues et du vent.
Villefranche is cowering in the depth of the bay, far from the waves and the wind.

C'est un bouquet de toits roses, de murs ocres soulignés de volets verts.
It's a bouquet of pink roofs, of colorful walls underlined by green shutters.

Comme un petit bout d'Italie égaré de l'autre côté de la frontière..
Like a little piece of Italy lost on the other side of the border...
8 commentaires:
J'aime ces couleurs ocres et ces façades colorées qui rappellent l'Italie! Toute la côte sud est une pure merveille, en France comme en Italie!!!
Ton ciel est bien couvert aujourd'hui...
Bisous et à demain
It's a beautiful place but I don't know waht you mean by silver casket. . . in referring to the photo.
Perbs: I read in my dictionnary that a "casket" was a box for jewellery. But if you don't understand, I prefer to change the word. Maybe my dictionnary is not reliable.
A beautiful place if ever I've seen one. I haven't been to Italy, sp perhaps that is why I saw a tiny bit of Spain :-)
BTW, I have started to TRY to read both your French and your English versions - and something of my knowledge starts to creep back!
RuneE: I'm glad if I can be useful!Ü
Wonderful views.
Especially I like second photo.
Beatiful and romantic.
j'aime les couleurs de ces façades :)
Les draps blancs aux fenêtres, des maisons à l'accent du Sud, oui très Sud!
The island view is good. Somehow the photos give me a lonely feeling.
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