Les derniers nuages s'étirent avant d'aller se cacher derrière les montagnes.
Ils jouent un peu avec les premières taches de soleil, comme des enfants qui ne veulent pas laisser leur terrain de jeu à de nouveaux arrivants.
Early in the morning, the city is slowly awakening.
The last clouds are stretching a last time before going to hide behind the mountains.
They play a little time with the first spots of sunslight, like children that don't want to leave the garden where other kids arrive to play.

Looking to the north, it's difficult to believe that the sea is just there, on the other side, and that you have only to turn your head to the left to discover it.

In the prehistoric times, all what you see was under water, and the little hill on the left was an island!..

Seul le temps pourra dire à quoi elle servira dans quelques siècles.
Vus d'en haut, le temps et l'espace deviennent tout petits, et nous encore bien plus...
Today, the same little hill is like a last echo of the mountains that are surrounding the city. And it's used as the perfect reference mark for the sailors who are looking for the entrance of the harbour.
Only time knows what will be the use of this hill in some centuries.
Seen from above, time and space are becoming much smaller, and so do we...
7 commentaires:
Wonderful broad view!!
Quel spectacle magnifique vu d'en haut!!!
Que de jolies promenades tu partages avec nous! C'est vraiment un plaisir et une découverte à chacun de mes passages!
Bisous et à demain
nteresting to see the beauty you seee daily!
Thank you for the nice view of Nice (no pun intended)! To me it reminded me of the time I attended a conference there. Enlarging the second picture I could even see the Congress Centre.
We even attended (by accident) a Sunday meeting of the French Communist Party! We entered by a small path in the south just to look around, and the got free wine and food for our pain. We also had a most interesting conversation with some Esperanto enthusiasts who had been to Norway.
Quelles sont douces les promenades en ta compagnie... Une île? Voilà bien une chose que je n'aurais pas imaginée...Merci pour ces précisions qui donnent un autre relief aux paysages que tu nous offres!
I like these panoramic pictures. It makes the world look a bit smaller.
Nice view!
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