Le but est de disséminer à travers la ville des oeuvres d'art, et de donner envie aux gens d'aller les chercher.
Les oeuvres sont en elles-mêmes inhabituelles, et de surcroît disposées dans des endroits publics qui ne sont pas prévus pour ça.
J'aime le principe d'une espèce de "chasse au trésor", qui pousse les gens à explorer la ville avec un regard neuf, avec une curiosité nouvelle, et je vais donc m'y adonner avec plaisir;
Par contre, je ne sais pas si je serai toujours sensible ou réceptive aux oeuvres présentées.
Toutes n'ont pas encore été installées . J'ai trouvé la première hier, sur la Place Masséna.Il s'agit d'un travail de l'artiste Johanna Fournier, appelé "Spin Off Blokus".
J'avoue ne pas être séduite. Et vous?...

The idea is to put works of art all over the city, in order to make the people walk to look for them.
The pieces of art are very unusual, and they are put in unusual public places.
I like this idea of a kind of "treasure hunt", that will oblige us to explore our town and to look at it with a new curiosity, and new eyes. And I will enjoy to do it.
But I'm not sure that I'll like the things I'll find.
All the artworks are not ready yet, but I found this one yesterday, on the main place of Nice, the Place Masséna.The artist is Johanna Fournier, and her work is called "Spin Off Blokus".
I must admit I don't like it. What do you think?....
4 commentaires:
Je trouve l'initiative sympathique et j'applaudis lorsque des municipalités offrent de telles opportunités aux habitants!!!
Mais là, en l'occurrence, je trouve "ces choses" très laides!!!
J'espère que tu auras des oeuvres plus agréables à voir dans tes prochains sujets...
Bonne balade et bonne journée
It is a fascinating idea that many other cities should follow. I agree that all of us would not like all of it, but isn't that some of the point with art?
At least some of them would make/are good benches!
They say that art is in the eye of the beholder and I have to agree with you about this artist's work. BUT then I don't like Jackson Pollack either = my Kindergarten kids could paint beter than his spots on paper. I found it disgusting when I wnt to college to find out that he was acclaimed to be a famous artist. My Dad got the same splotches on his tarp when he was a house painter contractor.
I guess I will just have to wait to see more of the artwork your town is displaying. At least, with this display, people will notice.
This looks like an example of conceptual art, which needs further explanation to be understood. Without the knowing the meaning behind this work, it remains just decorative and from that point of view it's maybe not that great. The treasure hunt idea is nice though.
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