Un réalisateur qui a fait un film culte, "Love Actually".
Une bande son qui décoiffe, composée des plus grands morceaux de rock historique.
Une bande d'acteurs géniaux et déjantés, à la tête desquels on retrouve Mister Cool en personne, Bill Nighy.
A l'arrivée, le film le plus frais, le plus formidable, le plus léger, le plus nostalgique, de ces derniers mois, des images qui vous trottent dans la tête, des répliques cultes, et une énorme dose de bonne humeur!
Courez voir ce film!

A director that made a cult movie, "Love actually".
A soundtrack made of the best pieces of rock and roll.
Fabulous and mad actors, among which Mister Cool himself, Bill Nighy.
All together, those things make the most refreshing, the most wonderful, the lighter, the most nostalgic movie of those last months.Plenty of pictures will stay in a little corner of your mind, you won't forget some of the quotes , and you'll take a pretty dose of happyness!
Run to see this film!
4 commentaires:
I have heard about the film and its roaring content. Mayby I should for once go to the cinema? :-)
PS Thank you so much for that lovely comment! The day has much in common with your 14th July- The Norwegian Constitution was based on The French and the American ones, but most of all on the books of the philosopher Montesquieu. And of course it has changed a lot since then, and lots of things are not in it.
L'éloge que tu en fais me donne vraiment envie d'aller voir ce film! Merci Malyss et bonne journée
Haven't heard about it besides your post. Glad you enjoyed it!
I haven't heard of the movie either, but agree that Bill Nighy is a very good actor. I also see that the cast includes Rhys Ifans who was hysterical in the Julia Roberts film Notting Hill, and Philip Seymour Hoffman, one of the best American actors of his generation.
I will definitely go see this film.
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