Ce post est donc la dernière page du premier chapitre .
Retrouvez moi ICI.
J'espère que vous n'hésiterez pas à faire le voyage.
Alors, à très bientôt, peut-être.....
So this post is the last page of the first chapter.
You'll find me THERE.
I hope you'll accept the journey.
So, see you soon, maybe...
15 commentaires:
Finalement... une fin heureuse puisqu'elle nous mène vers une nouvelle page et de nouvelles aventures avec toi!
Je vais de ce pas découvrir ta nouvelle adresse...
I checked out your new site and I can't leave a comment there because of the way you have it set up for comments. . . :o( It looks like you will have a wonderful journey there too! I will keep reading it but unless you change the way your comments are to similar to this blog, I can't comment with my old computer and that is all I have now.
I have a new blog also with just large photos on it if you care to look. The first one is huge but I am not going to change it yet. It is called Just paulie . . . and my posts are signed with my twins name. I will get back to you with the address in case you care to peek at it.
This is my big photos only blog. I will still be doing postcardsfrompaulie too.
Your photo with the birds is so perfect for yoru last post here. ( I forgot to say that the last time I was here.) I love the photo itself as you captured the birds in flight wonderfully!
A pity, but I have heard about the problem. It seems to be related to the total amount you have used on Blogger's server. One way around it is too host the picture on another server and just give Blogger the URL. I do that.
I forgot to add that I loved those gulls! :-)
wow, birds on flight. I've always wanted to take photos of them flying but it's hard.
Hi. back again.
If you look how you set up the comments on this site and compare it to the new blog of yours, you will see that it is different. The new one does not give you a little box to coment in on a new page. Without that little box, I can't comment on your new blog-- probably because I have to use my older computer now which works with the old blog but not how you set up the new one. Hope that explains it.
I am not sure why you said you could not access my new blog of just big photos. . . I am sure that is the correct url for it. I would link it from my old blog but the new link thing doesn't work. I know Katney was able to access it. :o(
I would give you my email if you had comment moderation like I do so the whole world didn't see it and you could delete the post after you get it. . .
I don't know when I can get a new computer. I will keep reading anyway even if you don't get it changed.
I just double checked and this is my correct addy for the new blog for just big photos. . .
I was able to get the name corrected and they now say the posts are from me -- Paulie. I am still learning how to resize the photos at "Image Shack," a host that does not use up blogger space. I have to work on that site a bit as I have a couple double posts and a couple that are too big but o well. One day, I will have it how I want it and just big photos. I will try to make a direct link to it here now. . .
I'll click on the THERE link in a second and look forward to seeing what happens...
"Paulie, I've made all I could do with the comments, and I don't understand why you can't comment, you're the only one who has this problem; I don't know what to do now. Any Idea? Maybe we could become pen-friends, what do you think?.."
Your comment page is different thant yoru two old blogs I always go to. There, it has a pop up box or leaves the page altogether for coments so you can't see the pictures or writing when you are commenting. If you go to setup and then click on comments and change it to POP UP BOX, I will be able to do it. Another friend of mine did and it made all the difference.
If not, I will stilll read your blog. I like to leave comments tho. . . if you comment on my main blog, I moderate all comments and you could send me your email and then I would delete that comment after I put it in my address book and email you.I hate that I can't comment -- I come daily to see if I can.
I have sent you 4 emails. Maybe you gave me the wrong address?
hello... hapi blogging... have a nice day! just visiting here....
Je vous découvre ce matin et je suis étonnée de constater que votre blog a le même titre que le mien ! Je suis curieuse et me demande ce qui vous a inspiré... Dites moi votre secret et je vous dirai le mien. Les Fragments bleus existent sur blogspirit depuis 2005 et vont déménager cette semaine sur wordpress.
Bonne journée
Félicitations pour votre blog, les pièces sont belles et étonnantes photos!
excuses pour les erreurs, utiliser le traducteur de l'ordinateur
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