Et là, comme dans un joli conte avant de m'endormir, j'ai découvert ceci, offert par Karine, qui tient un blog si poétique, "La toile de Candide"!; Merci, Karine, Je suis très touchée!
I was very busy yesterday, so I opened my blog only late in the evening, and I had the pleasure to discover this! It comes from Karine, who has a very poetic blog, "La Toile de Candide". Thank you so much, Karine!

Mon souci n'est pas de trouver des blogs(ça, non! Ü).
Mon souci, c'est que
1)L'une des personnes à qui je souhaite offrir un award a déjà celui-là.
2)Cet award est très féminin, et il y a quelques messieurs parmi ceux à qui je souhaite faire plaisir.
Donc, je transmettrai le même award, à trois dames, et le award ci-dessous, créé par mes soins, aux autres personnes à qui je souhaite faire plaisir.
BUT (there's always a "but"..) now it's my turn to choose 8 or 10 people to offer this award;
My problem is that:
1) One of the persons already has this award.
2) This award is very feminine , and I'd like to offer an award to some gentlemen.
So, the first award will go to three ladies, and the following award, that I created myself, will go to one misses and the messrs.
Je partage une jolie tasse de thé avec/ I share a cup of tea with:
Paulie, pour la soutenir, car elle a perdu son appareil photo, et elle a besoin d'encouragements./ To encourage her, because she lost her camera and I' d like to encourage her.
Dot, notre Cheer-leader, car elle pousse à nous dépasser./ our Cheer-leader, because she obliges us to give the best of ourselves.
Mérédith, qui écrit merveilleusement bien./ who writes in such a wonderful way.
Et j'offre mon award ailé à :
And I offer my winged award to:
Karine, dont j'adore le monde poétique, et qui me transporte chaque semaine dans de merveilleux univers./ whose poetic world I adore, and who brings me every week in fabulous universes.
RuneE, et Jim, deux VRAIS photographes, (pas comme moi!)qui chaque jour nous offrent de merveilleuses images et dont j'apprends beaucoup./ Two REAL photographers (not like me!) who offer us every day wonderful pictures, and from who I learn a lot.
Marc, qui partage avec nous les splendeurs d'Amsterdam./ who shares with us the splendors of Amsterdam.
Nobu, Le Fidèle, qui me fait découvrir chaque jour de nouveaux aspects de son passionnant pays./ my faithful blogfriend, who every day ,makes me discover new aspects of his marvellous country.
Merci à vous tous qui me faites rêver, découvrir, apprendre, progresser..
Thank to all of you. You make me dream, discover, learn and progress..
8 commentaires:
Un banc pour rêver en regardant la mer, et suivre l'oiseau dans ton ciel si bleu... Oh, Merci Malyss!!! Je suis toute chamboulée...Merci à toi pour tous ces jolis moments que tu nous fais partager:)))
Malyss, thank you very much. I don't consider myself much of a photographer as I am rather clueless about many things and photography is one of them. I humbly accept your award. Bon weekend.
I am stunned - me a REAL photographer?? An honour indeed. I have with great pleasure posted it at the end of my AWARDS collection:
PS An thank you for the comment!
Thanks for thinking of me. The good news is that I have now located the receipt and I should be able to get the camera fixed because it was only 4 months old when the shutter stopped opening. Until I do, Kathy/WA lent me her older digital camera and I ahve had the opportunity to take about 600 photos so far and not miss out on spring memories.
PS YOU created a beautiful award for those guys and I am jealous because it has all the things you love in it. Well done!
Thanks, Malyss.
Ah, you are so sweet! Thank you so much! I would share a cup of tea with you any day :). I happen to check in on my blog and there you have left me such a lovely surprise! Have a wonderful weekend and thank you again!
Merci Malyss, for the wonderful award! I like the combination of elements from your two blogs in the visual.
Wow, what a great award! Thanks so much for thinking of me.
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