"Au réveil, si douce la lumière, et si beau ce bleu vivant"
(Paul Valéry)

lundi 1 décembre 2008

Le jour d'après /The day after

Hier , la tempête qui a sévi sur la région obscurcissait le ciel et rendait la mer grise.
Yesterday, during the storm, the sea was grey and the sky became black.

Aujourd'hui, le soleil est revenu, et le vent a chassé les nuages.Mais quand on voit les pompiers qui s'entaînent pour des exercices en mer, ce n'est pas bon signe...
Today, sun came back and the wind made the clouds go away. But when you can see the firemen training for exercices in the waves, it means nothing good...

Les vagues continuent de monter..
Waves go on to climb higher on the beach...

Et si je peux vous montrer les vagues,...
And if I can show you the waves,...

Je ne peux pas vous faire entendre leur bruit..
I can't make you hear their sound...

La violence du choc lorsqu'elles viennent heurter les rochers, ou la force du bruit quand les galets roulent et s'entrechoquent..
The violence of the shock when they come and hurt the rocks, or the force of the noise when the pebbles roll in the waves and hit each others..

Et il est aussi difficile de rendre le bruit du vent...
And it's also difficult to explain the sound of the wind..

Ou la beauté de la lumière irisée par l'écume des vagues...
or the beauty of the light in the foam of the waves..

4 commentaires:

nobu a dit…

The sea is very rough.
Is that small boat dangerous?

dot a dit…

Your pictures are beautiful but I'm not so sure I would like the sea sounds.

Malyss a dit…

No, this the boat of the firemen. They are training, in case they have someone to save during a storm.Often, tourists think that our sea is very calm. But in fact, there are many streams, waves can become strong very quickly, and there are often people in danger. That's why firemen are training: to be able to save people even in the worst conditions.

PERBS a dit…

Just as there is danger in beauty . . . there is danger in power. You have caught some magnificent photos of the sea and its waves. Thank you for hearing them for me. I do so love the ocean!