Le Festival du Livre de Mouans-Sartoux, c'est tous les ans LA sortie du début du mois d'octobre; Each year, at the beginning of october, the Festival of Books in Mouans-Sartoux is THE place to be.
Le Festival en chiffres, c'est 21 années de succès,plus de 300 auteurs invités, plus de 50 000 visiteurs chaque année.
The festival in numbers, that's 21 years of success, more than 300 invited writers, 50 000 visitors.
Tous les ans, un thème différent, des débats, des tables rondes,des rencontres avec les auteurs, des films,...
Every year, a different theme, and debates, encounters with the writers, movies...

The festival in numbers, that's 21 years of success, more than 300 invited writers, 50 000 visitors.

Every year, a different theme, and debates, encounters with the writers, movies...
And especially, thousends of books to sale!
2 commentaires:
Looks like the library book sale they have here each spring! I like to read but am afraid it has been neglected for far too long now. . . maybe again this winter.
Hello !
Also nice and cute blog...
See You later.
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