l'automne choisit le bleu
pour le ciel et la mer...
gardent les rires enfuis
des enfants de l'été...
comme les vagues
les silhouettes endormies...
En rangs serrés
sous le vent
chacune est seule pourtant...
fragments d'histoire, de paysages et de vie.
4 commentaires:
If the words are as beautiful as the photos, this haiku of yours must be absolutely beautiful. I wish I understood French. . .
Thank you!
Here is a translation , but it's difficult to translate poetry.Anyway, it'll give you a little idea:
On the desert pebbles
autumn chooses blue
for the sky and the sea.
The lying ghosts
are keeping the gone laughs
of the summer children.
Framed with white
like the waves
there are sleepy silhouettes.
In compact ranks
under the wind
each is alone anyway.
Ok so maybe it says:
On the sandy beach
autumn chooses blue
for the sky and sea.
What remains
are children's laughs
of summer past.
Borders of white,
like the waves,
and still like silhouettes, remain.
Each in tight ranks
Under the wind
They are deserted.
That's how I translate it with your translation above. YOU wrote a beautiful French haiku!
The first international poetry!!
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