Quelles sont les chances pour que ses enfants fréquentent le même collège que les votres?
Combien de fois peut-on espérer l'apercevoir au supermarché?
Quel pourcentage de le croiser sur le port, au bord de la mer, sans jamais , jamais, oser l'aborder ni le déranger, tout en mourant d'envie de lui dire l'admiration qu'on éprouve pour lui?....
J'ai vécu tout ça, et même si je reste au rang des admirateurs anonymes et silencieux, j'éprouve aujourd'hui une immense fierté d'avoir simplement partagé la ville et croisé le chemin du nouveau Prix Nobel de Littérature...

I had this chance.
Even if I never dared to speak to him,never was able to tell him how much I admire him, I'm very proud to have shared the same town and to have crossed the way of the new Litterature Nobel Prize....
1 commentaire:
What a neat opportunity! Not everyone can say that you knew a Nobel Peace Prize winner in person.
I had a similar experience. I loved Pat Boone in the 50 and 60;s as a singer. While everyone else was crazy about Elvis, I wasn't. I saw Pat Boone in a concert one time but I was way up in the balcony and it was the 90's! THEN one time, I went with a friend to her church and who was there but pat Boone as a regular member! I didn't get to talk to him then either but he was doing some special thing in church for a Christmas event and I was just a few feet away!
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