Il y a bien longtemps que l'on ne voit plus les beautés locales se promener en costume traditionnel.
It has already been a long time since the local beauties don't wear the traditional costume anymore.
Il était pourtant bien joli, avec son grand chapeau plat appelé capeline, sa large jupe rayée de rouge et blanc, son tablier noir bordé de dentelle..
It was yet beautyful, with its flat hat called "capeline", its large skirt with red and white stripes, and the black apron with lace...
Mais l'âme des Niçoises flâne toujours dans les rues étroites et tortueuses de la Vieille Ville.
But the soul of the Woman of Nice is still strolling in the broad and narrow streets of he Old Town...

On la croise sur les panneaux, les enseignes,les publicités, les affiches des magasins..
You can meet her on the panels,on signs,on advertisings, on posters in the shops..

Et malgré les efforts de certains,PERSONNE ne prendra sa place dans nos coeurs!...
And though some are trying to do it, NOBODY will never take her away from our hearts!
1 commentaire:
Beautiful traditional clothing-- I don't blame the French people for having great memories of it.
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