On fait le point, on réfléchit tranquillement, on respire,on engrange des ondes positives pour le jour à venir.
Mais je ne suis pas seule à aimer la solitude.
Tous les matins, je croise d'autres amateurs.
Pour chacun de nous , ce moment prend des formes variées.
Personnellement, je me contente de marcher.
D'autres passent des heures à regarder le paysage...

Certains partent en kayak au ras de l'eau,et rament au milieu de l'immensité...
D'autres encore méditent dans un endroit à l'écart, en regardant le soleil se lever...

Certains pêchent au bord de la plage,
Certains pêchent au bord de la plage,
Et les plus courageux se jettent à l'eau, certains de gagner à coups de frissons l'isolement recherché!...
Même les oiseaux, à cette heure de la journée, délaissent leurs tribus pour savourer un dernier moment de calme...
It' s a time to think, to breathe, to earn forces for the coming day..
But I'm not the only one to like this kind of moments.
To be alone, some go to row on the sea, some meditate by watching the landscape,
other go for fishing on the beach, or even swimming!
At this time of the day, even birds let their tribe to enjoy loneliness...
"La solitude est l'aphrodisiaque de l'esprit, comme la conversation celui de l'intelligence"
(Emil Michel Cioran)
"Loneliness is aphrodisiac for the spirit, like conversation is aphrodisiac for intelligence"
2 commentaires:
Being alone is different than being lonely. Being alone is to be able to commune with the world around us while being lonely focuses on self. When you are alone, it is just the absence of other people, whether one more or a crowd. You can be alone with your thoughts such as in several situations of the photos. You can feel lonely when it us just you and you are dwelling on the absence of others.
I love your photos and sentiments. I understood what they were saying to you. Hope you don't mind my helping you with the English.
Tonight, I feel alone because I am dwelling on myself because I just got news a friend died.
Forgot to say, I left a comment below also.
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