La danseuse étoile, un peu plus solitaire que les autres, gratifie le spectateur d'envolées tourbillonantes... plongées virevoltantes,avant de disparaître à son tour dans la nuée de plumes ébouriffées.
Juste à côté, curieux et immobile, un corbeau incongru en ces lieux attend patiemment son heure......
Seagulls like to fight for every little piece of food they find.They shout,fly away and come back,dive into the group, use their beak against the others, fly away again, ...the victory is not to catch and eat the food but taking it away from the others..
And during all this time, an amazing motionless crow is waiting for its turn...
2 commentaires:
Great photo catch! Loved the crow ending.
Here they are where they are supposed to be - by the sea. I enjoyed the one in full flight!
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