La pluie s'est enfin arrêtée de tomber, le vent s'est calmé, et le soleil a fait très timidement sa réapparition ce matin..
Rain stopped falling, wind stopped blowing, and the sun came back this morning, in a very shy way...
La tempête a laissé dans son sillage des fantomes d'arbres denudés, emportant avec elle les dernières feuilles qui cachaient leurs silhouettes osseuses ..
Storm left behind some nude ghosts of trees, taking away the last leaves that used to hide those like bones silhouettes...
Elle a oublié quelques gouttes d'eau sur le toit des voitures, comme autant de perles et de diamants éphémères..
Storm forgot some raindrops on the cars' roofs, like ephemeral pearls and diamonds...
Et l'Hiver en a profité pour jeter son manteau blanc sur les proches sommets...
And Winter threw its white mantel on the nearest summits...

..nous signalant par ces étendards blancs qu'il est enfin bel et bien arrivé...
..telling us with those white flags that It finally arrived...
4 commentaires:
From an earlier post, I thought you said you didn't see any snow at all. . . so glad you can see the snow covered mountains. Today is the third day it snowed here but it warms up and nothing sticks. I feel so sad that we aren't getting more when all around us has it but I can't get to where it is.
Dramatic story, I love it,Malyss.
It is the first year since a very long time that snow comes so near the city.And when I say "near", it is very relative, because those mountains around are much farther than it seems on the pictures
I read on the local newspaper today that we had not such weather since 1979!
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