Do you know Nicolas de Staël? He is one of my favorite painters.

Lors de la révolution russe, en 1917, il part en exil en Pologne avec ses parents.
Ses parents meurent, et le jeune orphelin est adopté , puis balloté d'un endroit à un autre.
Commence une terrible vie marquée par la misère, la faim, le froid,le desespoir. A un moment, Nicolas s'engage même dans la Légion Etrangère.
Finalement, un jour, il arrive à Antibes.
Pour cet homme qui a toujours fuit sa réalité par la peinture, la lumière d'ici est un véritable catalyseur. Il peint , tout le temps, beaucoup;
Mais rattrapé par le desespoir, il se suicide en 1955.
Nicolas de Staël was born in 1914 in a family which was near of the russian Tsar.
When there was the Revolution in 1917,he had to go in exil in Poland; There, his two parents died.
As orphan, he was adopted, and then began a desperating life, from a place to another, during which he knew fear, hunger, cold and despair.
He finally arrived in Antibes.
For this man, who always escaped from his life through painting and drawing, the light he discovered here was a kind of catalyst.
He painted a lot, evry time of the day.
But he was finally caught again by his dispair, and killed himself in 1955.
Voici la maison où il vécut.
Here is the house where he lived.
Here is the house again, on the very left of the picture, and the view he could see from his windows.
The house, above the beach.
And my favorite picture of Nicolas de Staël," the flight of the gulls".

This man, whose life was so dark, so sad and so desperate, filled his pictures with space, light and colors... laissant derrière lui que les traces de son rêve.
...leaving only behind him the tracks of his dream.
2 commentaires:
I did not know him.
But I like that picture, nice colour and lively.
I am not familiar with this artist -- until now, that is! He left a legacy with his paintings!
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