"Itis-arainyday-today" , c'était le genre de phrase que l'on devait répéter des centaines de fois, quand on apprenait l'anglais au collège, pour bien avoir l'accent et capter la "musique de la langue (anglaise)"....
"Itis-arainyday-today" was the kind of phrase I had to repeat hundred of times, during my secondary school years,in order to have a good accent and to catch "the music of the (english)language"...
Contrairement à ce que je pensais sur le moment, c'est finalement une phrase très utile...
I did not think that in those times, but I have to admit that finally, it's a very useful phrase...
Moi, je préférais apprendre les mots anglais en rapport avec la pluie en chantant..
I used to prefer to learn english words about rain through songs...

"I'm singing in the rain"...(Gene Kelly)

"Raindrops keep falling on my head"..(Burt Bacharach)

"Don't know why,
there's no summer in the time,
stormy weather"...
(Elle fitzgerald)

"It's raining men, Hallelujah!"..(mais là, je crois que je m'éloigne un peu du sujet..Ü)
(here it seeems I'm getting a little out of my subject...Ü)
3 commentaires:
I remenber "Raindrops keep falling on my head".
When I was a little boy,my elder brother have the record.
Because it is the thema song of the movie "Butch Cassify and the Sundance Kid".
By the way, still rainy there?
Yes, that's it! Butch Cassidy! I had the record , too.And, yeees, it is still raining..^-^
I wish it would only rain at night when I am sleeping!!!! It is freezing cole here. Maybe more snow tomorrow. Might stick this time. Hope so and hope I can get some daytime photos which I have learned to do but not mastered nighttime ones yet.
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