"Au réveil, si douce la lumière, et si beau ce bleu vivant"
(Paul Valéry)

vendredi 3 octobre 2008

Salon des loisirs créatifs/Creative leisures exhibition

Aujourd'hui, exploration du salon des loisirs créatifs;
Today, I went to explore the creative leisures exhibition;

Je ne m'étendrai pas sur le prix d'entrée, très (trop?..) cher, ni sur le fait qu'il y a de moins en moins d'exposants chaque année.Ne gardons que le bon côté des choses...
On peut voir et apprendre, trouver des idées, acheter du matériel;
It's a place where you can see and learn many things, find many inspirating ideas, buy material.
Peindre au pochoir...
To paint with stencil...

Fabriquer de la dentelle...
Make lace..

Des quilts...

Et ce que je préfère le plus, le point de croix!
And what I prefer the most,cross stitch!

Des projets, des envies et du travail pour tout l'hiver!...
Projects, inspiration and work for all the winter to come!...

1 commentaire:

PERBS a dit…

I love counted cross stitch too! I have even designed a few pieces myself! I wish I had just half of the ones I gave away as gifts! I only have a couple Christmas ornaments and a small bear picture hanging for my wall. I will have to do more as I have a bunch of things to do since I used to work part time in a cross stitch shop and employees got big discount for buying there.

I hope you had fun on your excursion. I checked earlier and you hadn't uploaded anything for today. Blogger was working last night so I uploaded a whole bunch when I went to bed last night (5 photos) and then separated them into separate blogs for future dates.