Pas seulement celle que l'on boit , avidement, quand il fait chaud.
Mais aussi celle que l'on voit, que l'on regarde, que l'on cherche, auprès de laquelle on se réfugie.
Not only the one we drink when it's hot.
But the water we can see, near which we like to take refuge.
Its murmur, its sparkling, are signs of life, in the middle of the town overwhelmed with heat.
Sa transparence rappelle la fraîcheur oubliée, sa limpidité attire les mains ,qu'on plonge avec délectation dans cette soie fluide qui caresse, enveloppe , et soulage.
Its transparency lets us remember of the forgotten freshness;It is attractive for our hands, that we like to dive into this relieving silk.
We let those sweet waves to rock us, we dream about blue horizons...
...and thanks to water we can breath, like if the lightness of the water could save us from the heaviness of the air.
1 commentaire:
I like your water photos -- all of them! They made me feel refreshed on a warm day.
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