The Cap Martin is not very far from the frontier between France and Italy, near the city of Menton.
Il y a un petit sentier qui fait tout le tour du Cap et qui rejoint le village de Roquebrune, à côté de Monaco.
There's a little path that goes around the Cap and joins the village of Roquebrune, near Monaco.
Voilà Menton, et tout à droite de la photo, l'Italie.
Here's Menton, and on the right of the picture, Italy.
Le sentier sillone entre le bleu de la mer et du ciel, et les rochers blancs, parsemés de végétation maritime.
The path goes through the blue of the sea and the white rocks, on which there are some maritim trees and plants.
Nature is sculpted by the sea, and the trees are twisted by the wind.
After the turn of the cap, it's possible to see Monaco.
Le contraste est fort entre la nature si sauvage, et les immeubles ultra-modernes qu'on devine au loin.
There is a strong contrast between the so wild nature, and the very modern buildings that can be seen farther.
Before Monaco, there's Roquebrune, hanging on its mountain over the sea.

Mais le paysage est si beau, l'ambiance si calme,que l' on a envie de faire durer le plaisir.
Alors on s'assoit sur un banc, on laisse le soleil nous caresser , la mer nous bercer de ses vagues douces, et l'on rêve que l'on dort, l'on rêve que l'on rêve...
After a one-hour walk, it's time to go back to Menton.
But the landscape is so beautyful, that you prefer to sit on a bench, and let the sun caress your skin, and the sound of the waves rock you softly.
Then you begin to dream that you're sleeping, to dream that you are dreaming....
3 commentaires:
I enjoyed your tour -- thanks for the "trip" from my armchair! Beautiful places all of them and you get to see in a short walk!
Wow, what a pretty place and you captured it well with your camera. I love the 3rd and 4th shots!
Beautiful scenery!
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