Il y avait comme une menace sur la ville ce matin...
There was a kind of threat on the town this morning...

Il semble qu'après la tempête d'hier, tout n'était pas fini..
After the tempest yesterday, it was not really over...

Il y avait encore de la bataille au large..
It was still fighting on the skyline..

Et au-dessus de nos têtes, rien n'était vraiment calme..
above our heads, it was not really quiet...

Et selon l'endroit où se portaient les regards...
And according to where you were looking..

C'était la lumière ou l'ombre qui l'emportait..
It was light or shadow that was stronger..
2 commentaires:
You've got some amazing storm clouds there! I like that group of clouds that seem to be hanging on, never leaving. BUT, my favorite one is the last one because there's so much to talk about in the photo -- many contrasts.
I see I missed yesterday's post also. Guess I came before you had it up. I will leave a comment there too.
Those are interesting clouds, and those made beautiful scenery.
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