Pour l'occasion, je vous y emmène faire un petit tour.
This week, it was the National Feast in Monaco.
So I take you for a little drive through the town.
Architecture is a mix of old and new.
Monaco is both a very small state and city.And it is hanging between the mountains and the sea. That's why streets are broad and narrow.
Mes photos ont été prises "à l'arraché" à travers les vitres de la voiture, c'est pourquoi elles ne sont pas très bien prises.Désolée..
I took my photos through the car's window, that's why they are not very good.Sorry..
On peut voir la Méditerranée dès qu'il y a un peu d'espace entre les immeubles.
It's possible to see the Mediterranean Sea as soon as there's a little space between buildings.
Dans le même temps, il est parfois difficile d'apercevoir le ciel.
At the same time, it's sometimes difficult to see the sky.
Et pour finir, le palais princier, là-haut, sur son rocher..
And at last, the palate of the prince, on its rock..
J'espère que vous avez aimé la balade...Bon week-end!
I hope you've enjoyed the trip..Have a nice week-end!
5 commentaires:
Beautiful and it makes me think of Prince Rainer and Princess Grace.
Is that a string of Christmas decorations across the street to buildings in the 2nd photo? I enlarged it and they are beautiful but didn't know if it was seasonal or not.
Thanks for the tour. I love my arm chair travels from your view.
Paulie:there are both christmas decorations and flags (red and white) for the National Feast.
Dot: grace and Rainier are always very present, through streets names, pictures in the shops windows, celebrations all the year long.
It is not so much car, good!
I think it is nice to drive the sea side.
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