Petite recette:
Il faut
-500 g. de farine
-1 oeuf bien battu
-4 cueillerées à soupe d'eau de fleurs d'oranger
-1 pincée de sel
- huile
-sucre en poudre
Mélanger la farine, l'oeuf, l'eau de fleur d'oaranger, le sel; Bien pétrir la pâte, en ajoutant éventuellement un peu d'eau, et laisser reposer 30 minutes.
Etaler la pâte, découper des rubans ou des formes.
Faire frire dans de l'huile bouillante et les laisser dorer.
Egoutter et saupoudrer immédiatement de sucre en poudre.
Bon appétit!
A little recept:
You'll need
-500 g. of flour
-1 egg, beaten with a fork.
-4 big spoons of water of orange flowers
-A little salt
-a little water
-Sugar in powder
Mix together flour, water of orange flowers, egg and salt;You can add a little water if you want the past be lighter.
Let the past rest during 30 minutes.
Spread the pastry, and cut ribbons or shapes in it.
Dive the pieces of pastry in boiling oil, and let them become of gold color.
Take the pieces out, dry them, and sprinkle them with sugar.
Bon appetit!
10 commentaires:
Je ne connais pas cette recette pourtant je sais que j'aime beaucoup tes petits "ganses" qui doivent porter un autre nom plus au nord...
Merci Malyss de partager avec nous ta recette.
Très amicalement
Sounds good to me!!
J'ai enfin trouvé, par ici les "Ganses" portent le joli nom de "Merveilles", mais le résultat doit être le même... Je vais tester ta recette pendant les vacances!
Bonne soirée et à demain Malyss
It sounds like a very imteresting delicacy but I don't know how to measure grams and don't know what orange flowers are.Maybe I should ask Dot as her comment didn't say she was confused. They look sorta like donuts without a hole in the middle. I bet they are good!
Gosh, I didn'tknow I was three psots behind! I guess I must be checking your blog before you posted. . . anyway, I got caught up and left a comment on all three.
I have my benches postedto make up for the days I missed also so have several you haven'tseen. Now, I ahve to figure out what to put up for my main blog today still. . . will be later.
Before becoming fruits, oranges are flowers on a tree. Around here, they take those flowers, they crush them, mix them, and then get a kind a very light syrup, which is used to perfume the food, especially the cakes,the ice creams, and other sweet things.And yes, you can say that "ganses" are a kind of donuts , but small ones.
Je ne connaissais pas ce nom, mais il est prometteur!Pour Carnaval, Nous mangeons aussi ce que nous appellons des "oreillettes", qui sont des gateaux tres plats passés aussi a l'huile;
Thanks for the explanation.I appreciate you taking the time.
j'adore la fleur d'oranger... Cela semble délicieux!!! Un peu comme les oreillettes ou les merveilles???
I won't try to actually make them, but after reading the recipe I think I know what they taste like. Delicious!
Orange cake, sound delicious!!
Boy's day in Japan is May 5.
Please check it in my blog.
Ggatsu Ningyo(doll for boy's day
By the way,
Bronze sculptures are made by casting.
The Thinker in ueno park is one of original edition of it.
The national museum of western art was basis on Matsukata collections.
Matsukata collections were belonged to France goverment as San Francisco peace treaty after warld war 2.
But those were return to Japan by good will of France goverment.
And then the museum were established by requet of France goverment as a condition.
And those true beauties have been loved by so many Japanese who visit ueno park.
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