Lorsque le soleil récupère sa place, écartant les rideaux blancs des nuages et chassant la grisaille,à la fin de l'hiver, il semble que les couleurs se réveillent aussi.
It's the best season for colors.
When the sun comes back, when it opens the white curtains of the clouds and hunts the grey, at the end of winter, it seems that colors are awakening too..
Even the whites and the greys are brighting up under the effect of the light..
The old colors, numbed by winter, are turning to the sun, looking for some strength in its heat..
The more you approach the sea, the more colors are singing..
L'ombre jalouse essaie de trouver sa place dans cet arc-en-ciel, soulignant une fenêtre pour mieux en cacher une autre..
like if they wanted the blue to join them..
The dark and jealous shadow tries to find a place among this rainbow, underlining a window, hiding an other one...
Gulls and seagulls add their touches of spining round white..
And the bouquet appears, making the eyes happy.
Plus tard, avec l'été, le soleil vainqueur engloutira la ville dans le blanc tremblant de sa chaleur..
Later in the year, when summer will arrive, the sun conqueror will engulf the city into its white heat..
Then the colors will wear away, and only the hope of the breath of the wind will remain.
5 commentaires:
Quelle jolie région tu habites! J'aime les couleurs ocres de la côte sud de la France... elles traversent la frontière et continuent le long de la côte en Itale... C'est un vrai plaisir pour les yeux et pour le coeur!!!
Merci Malyss
The colours really do come alive against the blue sky and with a bit of warmth from the sun that makes all the difference.
Every things are changing.
I love the colors!
Your words seem like poetry to me and with illustrations too!
I was gone yesterday for most of the day helping at a food bank. It was neat to be helping out but I am stiff and sore from lifting boxes of food.
I don't have a post up but might get one up later.
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