Il fait partie de cette poignée d'hommes qui, pour le meilleur ou pour le pire , ont marqué l'histoire du monde, et sont connus au delà des frontières.
Who does not know who Napoléon was?
He belongs to this kind of men who left their prints in history, for the best or for the worst reasons, and therefore are worldwide known.
Mais avant d'être Napoléon, il s'appelait Bonaparte, il était un soldat, qui menait une vie simple et faisait carrière dans l'armée.
About him, we remember the epic years: the imperial coronation, the great battles all over Europe, then the great defeats, the exile, and a somewhat mysterious death.
But before being Napoleon, his name was Bonaparte, he was a simple soldier, led a simple life and made his career in the army.
In those old times, he came several times in our city, in different places . But as he was not known yet, nobody noticed it; A lot later, someone realized who had been there, and everyone suddenly became proud to remember his visit..
Every time I read this plaque, I think that , here or there, there is a future famous man, still unknown, who is strolling, or sleeping, eating or laughing, who is leaving behing him his immortal track in the landscape , without knowing it...
(On the plaque you can read:)
Napoleon Bonaparte, general of brigade,commandant of the artillery of the army of Italy, lived in this house from 1794, march 27th to december 22nd. To remember this, the academy of Nice wrote this plaque on 1913, may 18th.
4 commentaires:
Et comme ça va la vie! Il y en a eu avant lui, il y en a eu après, et en viendra encore d'autres...
On dirait que le soleil est vraiment installé chez vous, parce qu'ici, c'est la grisaille!!!
Bonne journée Malyss
How interesting! He certainly made a name for himself around the world!
They say that Saigo Takamori respected Napoleon.
( You have seen statue of Saigo in my blog. )
That's an interesting piece of history.
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