Mêlant leurs ombres noires aux reflets blancs du ciel,ils croient pour un moment pouvoir voler sans ailes.
Dans le calme de l'aube, ils brisent le silence, jouant dans l'eau qui dort en taquinant leurs belles.
Arrive le passant. Figés en sentinelles,ils se taisent soudain, puis s'envolent à tire-d'aile vers le calme lointain...
After the rains of the night,pigeons come in the morning light to take their bath in the reflects of the sky. Indifferent to the blue, they jump into the clouds, and make their feathers shine.
Mixing their black shadows with the white of the clouds, they think for a while to be able to fly without wings.
In the quiet dawn, they're breaking the silence, playing in the sleeping water and teasing their
Comes a passer-by.They suddenly fall silent, freezed as sentinels.Then they fly away, looking for a faraway calm...
9 commentaires:
Très belles photos, ils sont attendrissants! Ben alors, chez vous aussi il a plu cette nuit?
Bon, si tu veux un petit morceau de gâteau au chocolat, tu es la bienvenue!
heureusement le photographe et le poète ne sont pas des passants comme les autres, sinon ces belles photos n'existeraient pas....Merci :)))
Wonderful scean in a sunny morning.
Beautiful prose to go with your photos! You write so eloquently.
The pictures are nice but I must say you are very talented with the written word.
A big thank to all of you for your nice comments!
You got a very nice poodle here with you pigeons and the reflections - fitted very nicely indeed. Not to mention the words!
Nice pictures, but I have to admit I think the seagull is a better looking bird.
Mark : I also prefer gulls, but , you know, "life is like a chocolate box, you never know what you'll find"...Ü
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