J'ai cliqué sur le point d'interrogation , et je n'ai trouvé que des choses en anglais. Or, le vocabulaire informatique en français me donne déjà du mal, mais en anglais, je ne comprends rien.
Ma question est la suivante:
Que se passera-t-il quand j'aurai atteint les 100 % de mon 1024 MB?
Dois-je commencer un nouveau blog? Dois-je en recommencer un en changeant d'adresse E-mail?
Quelqu'un a-t-il déjà eu ce cas de figure?
Merci d'avance à toute personne qui pourra me renseigner!
(Et si quelqu'un a le titre d'un livre sur les blogs, en français, je suis interéssée)
I clicked on the "?" to get some explanations , but everything is written in english. Internet vocabulary is already difficult for me in french,in english I simply don't understand!
So, here is my question:
What will happen when I will reach 100% of my 1024MB?
Must I begin an other blog?
Must I begin an other blog AND use a new e-mail adress?Did anyone already had this problem? What must I do?
Thank to every people who will help me!
(If anyone knows a title of a book about blogs, in french , I'm interested)
6 commentaires:
Bonjour Malyss,
Je suis vraiment désolée, mais comme toi, je suis incompétente en la matière. Je ne peux malheureusement pas répondre à ta question tout de suite, mais je vais demander autour de moi...
Veux-tu dans ton prochain commentaire sur mon blog, me donner ton adresse e-mail, il est bien entendu que je ne publierai pas ce commentaire.
They don't make this known to you when you begin. I had the same discovery like you did. That's why I began a new blog for my main one. I think all the blogs one has uner one name adds up to the total.
I don't think they want you to use another name to blog but think they want you to buy space andpay monthly. . I am not sure as I never asked. My internet provider allows us to have 7 names for our account so I do have more than one on my account. I just hate breaking everything up. If I had seen that about the photo uploading before, I would have been very careful of how many I uploaded as I certainly don't want to pay for it all the time.
They mislead you saying it is free and then putting a little box there saying you have so much photo room.
Good luck on what you do. I hope you don't stop posting benches.
I hope you can figure something out. I don't have this problem..yet.
I think if you pay 20$ a year, you can upload photos till 10G.
I have heard of the problem, but have not met it. I post my pictures on a server belonging to my employer, but one can also post them elsewhere. In that case you just give Blogger the address of where the picture reside and don't use much of Blogger's space .
Suggestion: Try creating a new blog from the same E-mail account and see whether you get any warnings.
Hi Malyss, I don't know how it works with blogger, because I have a self hosted wordpress blog. Really, I don't even know what the limit is there. All I know is that blogger is owned by google and they're in it for the money only, even if some things are free. You could always try to contact the blogger helpdesk, which they probably have. Hope it will work out well for you.
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