Chez nous , elle commence avec le week-end de Pâques.Et elle dure jusqu'au mois d'octobre.
On sait que LA saison va bientôt commmencer lorsque les bulldozers commencent à ranger les galets sur la plage,et lorsque sur la plage réapparaissent les matelas et les parasols.
Bientôt, les cris des mouettes seront remplacés par les cris des enfants.
Pour nous, le week-end de Pâques résonne comme les trois coups d'une pièce de théâtre.
Bientôt,nous ne serons plus les acteurs dans notre ville , elle deviendra un décor dans lequel nous ne serons plus que des figurants.
Alors, on dresse le décor de bienvenue.
LA saison s'ouvre.
Les drapeaux sont hissés pour souhaiter la bienvenue à tous nos invités..
They are usually four seasons in a year.But in all the touristic places in the world, there's only one important season, which is THE season..
Here, THE season begins with the Easter week-end, and ends in october.
We know that THE season is about to begin when the machines begin to clear up the pebbles on the beach, and when the parasols come back on the beach.
In a short time, the shouting of the gulls will be changed for the shouting of the kids.
For us , Easter week-end is like the beginning of a theater show.
Soon, we won't be the main actors in our town anymore,the town itself will become a scenery in which we will become only extras.
So let's put on the welcoming scenery.
THE season is opening.
The flags are welcoming all our guests..

Especially for those who come from very , very, very far away...
7 commentaires:
Les envahisseurs sont bientôt de retour? Plus de plages désertes, plus de rues calmes, mais une vie intense et bruyante jusqu'à pas d'heure!!!
Bon courage ma chère Malyss, c'est visiblement le prix à payer lorsqu'on habite une belle région!
Toi, au moins , tu as tout compris!! :-))
What is that building with our national flag?
Enjoy your visitors!
BTW, have you tried uploading yoru photos to a place like "Image Shack" and then just copying and pasting the "direct" link into the blogger post? When you post a photo, you can either upload to blogger or do this. maybe that is what we needed to do when we used up the free space? I only did it a couple times because I was having trouble with blogger uploading awhile back. You might try it. You can get a free uploading place by googling Image Shack or other places. I like Image Shack a lot. Before you try it, look and see exactly what your space left is on blogger and then upload to Image Shack and after post if finished, look and see if it changed anything on blogger. If not, that is the way to go.
Just thinking about you and wish I had thought of it instead of making a second blog.
Thank you for that idea. I will try this new way to spare space.
The building is the most famous luxury hotel of the town, called the "Negresco"; I will speak about it in a next post, but if you're impatient, I think you can find pictures of it on google.People who usualy live in this hotel for their holidays are very rich!
how I wish I could see it all in person!
The season started here too this weekend. Despite the economy there were even more visitors than last year. I don't mind the visitors at all, they add atmosphere and are good for the local economy.
Good to see that nobu has his flag at the Negresco. I just wonder where my flag is. A lot of Dutch go on holiday to the Cote d'Azur after all.
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