Il quittait le port le matin, lorsqu'il faisait encore nuit.
Arrivé à un endroit connu de lui seul, il prenait son filet et dans un large geste magnifique remontant à la nuit des temps, il le lançait sur la mer.
My grand-father was a fisherman.
He left the port very early in the morning, when the night was still there.
When he reached a special point of the sea that he was the only one to know, he took his fillet, and with a large and wonderful gesture that came from his ancestors, he threw it on the sea.

There was a very short and magic moment, during which the fillet remained on the surface of the sea. It made the waves flat and an ephemeral drawning of small squares appeared. Then suddenly, the fillet flew silently into the sea.
il fallait les démêler, mais comment les pêcheurs s'y retrouvaient-ils?!
Il fallait ensuite les faire bouillir dans de gros chaudrons remplis d'étranges mixtures à base d'écorce de pins , qui dégageaient une odeur très spéciale mais qui en déposant la sève cuite sur les filets, les rendaient plus resistants.
Enfin, il fallait recoudre les filets. Et là, on voyait sur les ports ces vieux hommes, assis en rond, , armés d'étranges instruments, faire des noeuds dans leurs filets tout en discutant dans une langue étrange qui n'était autre que leur dialecte natal..
After the fishing, there were a lot of ritual and mysterious things to do with those fillets:
First, the fishermen had to disentangle them, but how did they do that?!
Then, they put the fillet in boiling water mixed with pines barks. It has a strange smell but the boiled sap sticked to the fillets and made them more stronger and protected them against rip.
At last, fishermen had to sew their fillets to repair them.Then, you could see those old men, sitting in a circle together, making strange knots in their fillets and speaking together in their special dialect.

A little girl was sitting near one of those old men, looking at them silently,with curiousity and with admiration, recording words , smells and memories into her mind, without knowing it..
For me , my grand-father was a kind of a sea sorcerer, and I was proud about that...
3 commentaires:
Interesting story and photos, thanks malyss!
What beautiful memories!
And so you should be. One of my own grandfathers made and repaired those nets. In addition he also ran a small farm in the weekends - that of course meant the my grandmother did most of the work. But that was the way it was.
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