Here are some pieces of local dishes: pots, jugs, carafes and other things made in clay.
J'en ai bien assez pour abreuver ou nourrir toute la famille , plus quelques invités au besoin..
I've much enough dishes to water and feed all my family, and also some guests in case of need...
Il s'agit là de "taraïettes", de la vaisselle en taille miniature.
A l'origine, les potiers qui désiraient vendre leur marchandise et donc la faire connaître, fabriquaient ces petits ustensiles à titre d'échantillons pour les présenter à leur clients.
Bien plus légers et faciles à porter que de la vraie vaisselle,les "taraïettes" étaient en quelque sorte les échantillons de démonstration de l'époque.
Well,I could not satisfy one person with this kind of dishes!
There are called "taraïettes", and they are miniature dishes.
In the old times, potters used them to show their goods to their customers.
"Taraïettes" were easier and lighter to carry, and were used as samples.
They were also used as toys for children. And today, they are sold as souvenirs for the tourists.
In the old times, they were samples of dishes. Today, they are little samples of the past, that people bring back home often without knowing it..
5 commentaires:
J'ai vraiment marché, pensant que tu allais nous présenter de la grande vaisselle locale!!! Tu ne m'y reprendras pas une deuxième fois...
Bisous et bonne journée, farceuse!!!
You could have fooled me with those first ones - in fact you did! Thank you for the story behind them.
I love minatures! You have a nice collectionand the story behind them!
Cute! And I have a pen exactly like that. A paper mate flexgrip.
Cute and colorful!
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