"Au réveil, si douce la lumière, et si beau ce bleu vivant"
(Paul Valéry)

mardi 28 avril 2009

Une personne très prudente / A very prudent person

Il a plu hier toute la journée. Une grosse pluie méditerranéenne, qui vous trempe en moins de trente secondes et qui enlève toute vélléité de flânerie. Je suis donc restée à la maison.
Mais ce matin, mon envie de marcher a repris le dessus et j'avais donc décidé de partir coûte que coûte.
En me levant,de très bonne heure, il pleuvait encore. J'ai donc mis mon imperméable, mes chaussures de marche, enroulé une écharpe légère autour de mon cou, et , bien sûr, pris mon parapluie.
Seulement voilà.. Je marchais depuis seulement cinq minutes lorsque la pluie s'est arrêtée. Quelques minutes plus tard, les nuages se sont ouverts, laissant sortir un magnifique soleil. Encore un petit quart d'heure, et il faisait une bonne chaleur de printemps..
Résultat, alors que je prenais le chemin du retour, je croisais des gens qui, s'étant levés bien plus tard que moi, n'avaient vu que le soleil , et portaient des shorts, des casquettes, de minces t-shirts et des lunettes de soleil..En me croisant,avec mon imper et mon parapluie, ils ont dû se dire que j'étais une personne extrêmement prudente..

(Ci-dessus, la couleur du ciel à mon départ, à gauche, et à mon retour, à droite!..)
Yesterday, we had rain all day long. A strong mediterranean rain, under which you can't go to stroll.But I love so much walking tht I decided to go for a walk this morning, whatever kind of weather there was.
When I woke up, it was still raining. So, I put on my raincoat and my rainshoes, and took my umbrella.BUT.. I was walking since only five minutes when rain stopped falling. Some minutes later, the clouds opened and a magnificent sun appeared. A few minutes later,and the weather was perfectly warm. So, when I came back home, I met people who had left their bed much later than me; So , they were dressed with small t-shirts, short pants and they were wearing sun glasses. Seeing me, with my rain coat and my umbrella, they surely were thinking that I was a very prudent person..

(On the small pictures above, you can see the sky when I left home , left, and when I came back, right!..)

Mais peu importe, même si j'ai dû me lever tôt, j'ai eu ma récompense: une lumière magnifique, et le bord de mer pour moi toute seule pendant une heure ou deux...
But even if I had to wake up very early in the morning, I had my reward: a wonderful light, and the shore of the sea for me alone, for an hour or two....

5 commentaires:

nobu a dit…

The weather change so dramatic.
Interesting story!!

PERBS a dit…

How I missed this one, I don't know. I know I came to your site yesterday. . . OIC I did not miss it, you made two posts in one! lol I love all the photos but especially the one with the Palm trees and their shadows.

PERBS a dit…

Well, I didn't comment on your rainy walk so am back here again! That was neat to see the difference of the same view during and after the rain stopped. . . I am hoping for that for us soon. After days of sunshine, we have had two days of steady rain and I am tired of it. It is getting my house cleaned tho. . . lol I am moving everything around and doing a good dusting!

Rune Eide a dit…

That lonely bicycle was a picture typical of you - very poetic.

PS Thank you for your comment just now - I May have made myself unclear, so I left a "Comment to your comment" in my blog.

abc a dit…

Funny story about your raincoat in the sunshine. I can just imagine the scene. And it's great to get up early sometimes to enjoy the world waking up.