"She was as beautyful as those little bags of lavender that you squeeze to better smell the perfume "...
Un sachet de lavande...C'est petit, coloré, parfumé, mignon, ça dure longtemps,c'est une senteur qui apaise et détend, c'est en rapport avec les maisons, le linge, ça évoque l'été et le soleil,caché dans le lit ça aide à s'endormir paisiblement ...Oui, finalement, on peut dire que c'est un joli compliment pour une femme!..
Qu'en pensez-vous?...
A little bag of lavender... It's small, colorful, sweet, it smells good, its perfume is calming you down and relaxing, it has to do with home and linen, it makes think about summer and sun, when it's hiddden in your bed , it helps you to fall asleep peacefully...Yes, in the end, to compare a woman to a little bag of lavender can be taken as a compliment!...
What do you think?...

(Sentence found in..
"Aphorismes sous la lune et autres pensées sauvages", de / by Sylvain Tesson)
8 commentaires:
J'aime beaucoup les petits sachets de lavande, ça sent bon, ça apaise et détend... et j'en ai dans mes armoires! Mais je ne sais pas si j'apprécierai qu'on me compare un sachet de lavande... Je ne dois pas avoir beaucoup d'humour!!
Bisous et bonne journée
Andit is a beautiful flower too that does its job even after picked! I love seeing it and smelling it!
Hmmmmm FrankSinatra is singing
Pour ma part, j'ai développé une allergie à cette si jolie plante...Je me passe de ses parfums, dommage sans doute!
Such colorful bags!
Somehow these bags reminds me of Nice. Are they more common there than elsewhere?
I never thought of it that way, but the way it's described here it sounds like a rather nice compliment.
RuneE: lavender bags are usual on The french Riviera and in Provence, that means south-east of France.
These are places where lavender grows.
Very colorful. I wouldn't mind being compared to one. I'd even stick it under my pillow if I thought it would help me sleep.
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