"Au réveil, si douce la lumière, et si beau ce bleu vivant"
(Paul Valéry)

mercredi 15 avril 2009

Le sabot / The clog

Nos visiteurs et touristes, bien qu'appréciant les voyages, aiment aussi retrouver un petit parfum de maison lorsqu'ils viennent nous voir.
Ainsi, si je vous dis "Hollande", à quoi pensez-vous?
Pour moi, ce nom évoque tout d'abord les tulipes, puis les moulins, et aussi un livre appelé "Les patins d'argent", que j'adorais lire étant enfant; Et ensuite , bien évidemment, je pense ..aux sabots!
Even if they like to travel, our visitors and tourists like to find a little piece of their home when they come here.
As an example, if I say "Holland", what do you think about?
This word makes me think first about tulips, then about mills. It also reminds me a book I used to love when I was a child, "the silver iceskates". And of course, I also think about ...the clogs!

Et si on cherche des sabots par ici, voici ce que l'on trouve...
And if you look for clogs around here, you'll find this...

Un petit morceau de Hollande en pleine vieille ville!
A little piece of Holland right in the middle of our old town!

L'endroit s'appelle "Le petit café d'Amsterdam". Mais certains indices laissent à penser que l'on soigne mieux sa nostalgie du pays natal dans des boissons un peu plus fortes que le moka...
The place is called "The small café of Amsterdam". But some clues let think that it's easier to take care of the home nostalgy with some drinkings which are a little stronger than moka..

Il y a mille façons d'accueillir des amis.Parfois on hisse des drapeaux.Parfois on trinque avec eux. Mais toujours, on leur sourit avec le coeur..


There are many ways to welcome friends.Sometimes, you haul up a flag .Sometimes you drink with them. But every time, you smile with your heart..

7 commentaires:

nobu a dit…

It has a nice design.

Rune Eide a dit…

I wear clogs "all day" and have done so ever since I was a student som time in the Stone age. However, that is the ordinary types, not those totally made of wood - they are not for me.

18 varieties of beer on tap was impressive and 100 hundred more in the bottle from all over the world! That is quite impressive. I bet quite a lot of people never leave :-)

Anonyme a dit…

It looks like just the kind of place to visit and "smile with your heart!"

Kenza a dit…

J'aime beaucoup cette devanture, elle a un petit air vieillot qui lui donne belle allure!!!
Bonne soirée et à demain

PERBS a dit…

It looks more like a sandal than the old type wooden shoes. We have some dancers here who clog in shoes like that. In this town, wine is a big thing and there are many private breweries.

abc a dit…

I guess this more than compensates the absence of a flag. I wouldn't have expected one in Nice. De klomp is a rather unusual name for a cafe, but I guess for a cafe abroad it sound nostalgic. Thanks for this tribute Babzy!

abc a dit…

sorry, I mean Malyss of course, I'm doing too many things at the same time right now. :-)