"Au réveil, si douce la lumière, et si beau ce bleu vivant"
(Paul Valéry)

lundi 6 avril 2009


Choisir un endroit calme et serein, où il y a de la place..
De préférence, bien aéré, ..
Pratiquer plutôt le matin de bonne heure..
La tête en bas et les jambes en haut, rien de mieux pour évacuer le stress...

Better choose a quiet place, with a good ventilation..
Practice early in the morning..
Head down and legs up, nothing better to clear up the stress..

8 commentaires:

Kenza a dit…

Drôle de manière de ranger son vélo, mais pourquoi pas!!! Quel bonheur ce calme et cette sérénité en saison basse!
Bonne journée Malyss

dot a dit…

I'll pass on the yoga but I love the picture!

Malyss a dit…

Kenza: Calme et sérénité vivent leurs dernières heures..Avec le week-end de Pâques qui pointe son nez, ce ne seront bientôt plus que de lointains souvenirs..Généralement, à cette époque de l'année, il me vient l'envie d'émigrer en Laponie jusque fin septembre...

abc a dit…

I have never seen a yoga bike before, but it looks great against this beautiful background :-)

Rune Eide a dit…

Making ready for the Tour de France, perhaps? :-)

PS I agree about the the Enst - it would have to be a TV i Slooooow Motion...

PERBS a dit…

That is a pretty picture but strange too. I don't see a person in the photo -- just a bike turned over and maybe a backpack on the pebbles????? Does that "represent" the moves in yoga or something? I started doing a sorta of yoga with a group recently -- they do it sitting in a chair or standing holding onto a chair instead of getting on the ground. I think I am the only one in the group that could get on the floor and get up again! Ü

Malyss a dit…

Paulie: no, it was only a joke, I found funny to see that bike put that way..

Ayie a dit…

The backgrounds are very calm and peaceful. Nice place to relax and meditate.