De préférence, bien aéré, ..
Pratiquer plutôt le matin de bonne heure..
La tête en bas et les jambes en haut, rien de mieux pour évacuer le stress...
Practice early in the morning..
Head down and legs up, nothing better to clear up the stress..
fragments d'histoire, de paysages et de vie.
8 commentaires:
Drôle de manière de ranger son vélo, mais pourquoi pas!!! Quel bonheur ce calme et cette sérénité en saison basse!
Bonne journée Malyss
I'll pass on the yoga but I love the picture!
Kenza: Calme et sérénité vivent leurs dernières heures..Avec le week-end de Pâques qui pointe son nez, ce ne seront bientôt plus que de lointains souvenirs..Généralement, à cette époque de l'année, il me vient l'envie d'émigrer en Laponie jusque fin septembre...
I have never seen a yoga bike before, but it looks great against this beautiful background :-)
Making ready for the Tour de France, perhaps? :-)
PS I agree about the the Enst - it would have to be a TV i Slooooow Motion...
That is a pretty picture but strange too. I don't see a person in the photo -- just a bike turned over and maybe a backpack on the pebbles????? Does that "represent" the moves in yoga or something? I started doing a sorta of yoga with a group recently -- they do it sitting in a chair or standing holding onto a chair instead of getting on the ground. I think I am the only one in the group that could get on the floor and get up again! Ü
Paulie: no, it was only a joke, I found funny to see that bike put that way..
The backgrounds are very calm and peaceful. Nice place to relax and meditate.
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