"Au réveil, si douce la lumière, et si beau ce bleu vivant"
(Paul Valéry)

mardi 3 mars 2009


"La vie, ce n'est pas attendre que la tempête passe...C'est apprendre à danser sous la pluie"..

"Life is not about waiting for the storm to pass...It's about learning to dance in the rain..."

5 commentaires:

nobu a dit…

Yes, It is not always fine.

abc a dit…

With the grey weather we've had here lately (not that much rain though), it would be wise to take your advice. Thanks for reminding us.

dot a dit…

Did you write that yourself or is it a quote? I really like it.

Malyss a dit…

DOT: it's a quote; I did not write it myself.I liked it very much, so I wanted to share it.

PERBS a dit…

Dancing in the rain -- have you ever tried it? I have many times as a child. As an adult, I wish it would rain only when I am sleeping.