When you're walking on the path along the sea, you can have a glimpse on others worlds behind the trees, small pieces of dreams hidden in the branches..
The Villa Kerylos, which was the dream of a rich man whose passion was the Greek antic time.
He build a perfect patrician greek house, exactly like the real ones,with its bathes, its inner yard, and its mediterranean gardens..
A small lighthouse, and its attractive light for all the sailors who are looking for a shelter..
A red sail , as a symbol of quietness and loneliness, and the delicious vision of a peaceful day of fishing and resting, far from the crowd..
A blue skyline, a desire to escape, an inclination to leave everything behind and to get lost among the waves,to make road to the sun, pushed by the wind..
8 commentaires:
Bonjour Malyss,
Un petit coucou du mercredi... Merci pour ces très jolies photos qui font rêver du sud; c'est vraiment comme ça que je rêve du sud!!!
Sais-tu si on peut visiter la villa Kerylos? J'ai vu un reportage, c'est magnifique!
Superbe:))) Douceur et vivre et panoramas enchanteurs: Quelle belle région!!!
Each of photos are beautiful, but I like the second photo most.
So ilke that lovely lighthouse.
As you said yourself - totally different! After the haze in Oslo, I would much prefer these views, not to mention that villa.
PS Thank you for the pleasant comment - all went well, so I'm cleared for another year.
Another lovely place you're presenting us. Very peaceful indeed.
I love these three photos especially the second one.
Neat story and each of the photos was captured in an imaginative way framed. I thought I liked the lighthouse best until I saw the sailboat. . . lol I loved them all!
I also left a comment below. I must be coming at the wrong time and miss your psots when posted for the day. . . Oh well, one of these days i might get back on schedule.
The photos are good, it has the Peek-a-boo kind of touch there.
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