Pendant Carnaval, ces photos étaient exposées le long des tribunes afin de promouvoir les sports d'hiver dans l'arrière-pays et de soutenir la candidature de la région aux jeux olympiques de
I would have liked to tell you that those pictures were mine and came from my private collection, but it's not the case.
During Carnaval time, they were exposed along the galleries, to promote the winter sports in the mountains behind the town and also to sustain the candidature of the region to the next olympic winter games in 2018.
As I like old pictures, I loved this idea..Here are some of the prettiest pictures.
Les dames sont en jupe à la neige!
I like to see those costumes, those hats, the old material for skiying..
The ladies are wearing skirts to walk in the snow!
Some young courageous women dared to wear pants!
A beautyful rank of soldiers called here "alpine hunters", standing proudly..
More skirts!..
An old sign: Peira-Cava is a very small village near Nice in the mountains, only an hour away from here, the nearest place to find snow and to ski.("Sports d'hiver" means "winter games")
A meeting near a small mountain's chapel..
La tabourets sont des pliants, mais la vaisselle sur la table n'a pas dû être facile à transporter..
Vieux temps, joli temps, jolies photos...Jolies vies?..
The picnic near the river; we are in the mountain, but every man is wearing a costume and a tie, and every woman has a long dress; evryone is wearing a hat;
The stools are folding, but plates , pots and glasses on the table were probably heavy to carry until there..
Old times, pretty times, pretty pictures...Pretty lifes?..
5 commentaires:
Thank you for sharing very precious photos.
I love those old photos, interesting and romantic.
I ought to have known that your country is going to host the next winter Olympics, but thank you for reminding me!
With that kind of background it ought to be a great success.
I love the formal dress worn by people going skiing and on a picnic in these pictures. But whether it was comfortable? Today's a bit better in that respect. Lovely, nostalgic series.
Long as there is snow, I love the photos BUT the "costuming" of the people is definitely elegant. We are goign to get soem snow this week end. I am kinda excited but I don't know if I will be here or in Idaho at my brother's funeral. They are still working on arrangements.
I enjoyed the old photos. It's fun to look back at the way life used to be.
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