Il y avait aussi les gouttes de pluie.
Boats were not the only ones to make circles on the water this morning..
Raindrops did it too.
"Small rain, fall from the sky into pretty diamonds, your melody is an enchantement"..
"The rain is the way of thinking of those who like a kind of suspension of the world. To say you love the rain means to assert a difference."(Martin Page)
In the philarmonic storm, every drop is a music, that we hear and taste, it's a drop by drop happyness.."
"And may flow forever on the path the water of an hour of rain in the light." (Yves Bonnefoy)
"There is no loneliness where there is poetry". (Charles Ferdinand Ramuz)
J.M. Bongireaud)
"What will the universe remember about the circles made by our arms, when our star knows to have to renounce to eternity?The sky becomes invisible under the drizzle,and everyone knows no more that water is always moving." (J.M. Bongireaud)
"Autant apprendre à marcher sous la pluie, le visage offert".(J.J. GOldman)
"As well learn to walk under the rain with an offered face". (J.J. Goldman)
6 commentaires:
Very poetic about rain - both in words and pictures. Those pebbles on the beach have a beauty all of its own that is seen much better in soft light such as this than in the harsh, midday sun. A pleasure.
Pour ma part, je l'aime "tropicale"... de jolis textes sur cette eau venue du ciel si nécessaire:)))
Rain sometime plays music and sometime tlaks much.
A bit of a grey day there, but the music makes up for it. Nice picture of the pebbles. And it's Friday evening, yeah!
Yours is the first site and first time today that I have heard the music. Very nice. I enjoyed all your rain photos but think I like the pebbles best of all. I am being a little nostalgic today thinking of my Dad the rockhound and my family of who I have so few memebrs now.
Wow, I've never seen so many rocks on a beach!
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