Visiting Italy and not tasting THE local speciality?You can try...
Mais dans ce cas, promenez vous les yeux fermés; Ne regardez pas les échoppes;Fermez vous aux senteurs...
But then, stroll with closed eyes; don't look at the shops; don't breath any kind of perfume.. Oubliez les centaines de formes que peut prendre la tentation..
Forget the hundreds shapes temptation may have..
Quelqu'un saura toujours vous montrer le chemin du paradis..
Someone will always know to show you the way to paradise.....et là, vous succomberez!
..and then, you'll surrender!
6 commentaires:
Bonjour Malyss,
Tu me mets l'eau à la bouche de si bonheur; les parfums délicats de ces gnocchis à la sauce tomate, parsemés de parmesan me titillent les narines... C'est criminel de nous entrouvrir les portes du Paradis sans nous laisser entrer!!!
Bonne journée et grosses bises
And what is that you ordered to eat? You certainly made good use of your camera! I feel like I am right there with you on your vacation.
It is so funny because the word verification I had to type was "eater."
Kenza: ça va te donner des envies et des idées de repas pour ce soir!c'est pavlovien!.. :-))
Paulie: What you see in the plate are "gnocchis". it's a special kind of pasta made with potatoes.To cook them, you put them in boiling water. When they are ready, they come back to the surface of water!Then you add tomato sauce with a cheese called "parmesan" (in italian, "parmeggiano") wich is made in the italian city of Parma, and is soooo delicious!
Good appetite!
I read your answer to PERBS. I think I can smell the parmesan from here....
PS Thank you for the nice comments!
looks delicious!!
I love Italian food. It's a while ago I had gnocchis, but they're great. I like the name of the restaurant. Makes me hear the melody of the song in my head.
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