"Au réveil, si douce la lumière, et si beau ce bleu vivant"
(Paul Valéry)

lundi 23 mars 2009

Plongée depuis les nuages / Diving from the clouds

Si vous voyez une frontière, oubliez la.
Si vous croisez des montagnes, évitez les.
Mais lorsque vous trouverez un fleuve aux courbes lascives qui descend vers le sud, suivez le, juqu'à trouver une percée dans les nuages.
Et là, plongez sur..Rome!
If you see a frontier, forget it.
If you meet mountains, avoid them.
But when you'll find a stream with lazy curves that's running towards south, follow it, until you find an opening in the clouds, and then, dive into...Rome!

Rome, la "Ville aux sept collines, qu'il est si difficile d'apercevoir et de compter lorsqu'on est au ras du sol.
Roma, the"City with seven hills", which are so difficult to see and count when you're down on the floor.

Des bâtiments immenses, des rues enchevétrées, et un grondement sourd et incessant qui monte de la ville.
Immense buildings, entanglement of streets, and this never ending rumbling that 's going up from the town.

Parfois, on aperçoit le havre d'un jardin, un espace miraculeusement sauvegardé que ni la foule ni les voitures ni le bruit ne semblent pouvoir atteindre.
Sometimes, you'll find a garden, like a miraculous shelter that crowd, cars and noise can't reach.

Mais la plupart du temps, ce sont des vagues de pierre qui se succèdent, d'où émergent comme de grands navires les silhouettes de monuments qui jouent avec l'ombre ou la lumière que leur accordent les nuages..
But most of the time, there are waves of stone that come one after the other, from which the silhouettes of the monuments emerge, as if they were tall ships, playing with the shadows and the lights that the clouds send to them..

Puis vient le moment de se poser.
Then the time comes to find a place to rest.

De profiter de la chaleur du soleil pour se glisser doucement dans la magie du lieu..
To enjoy the heat of the sun and to slide slowly into the magic of the place..

Pas de doute, c'est bien Rome...
No doubt, it's Roma..

10 commentaires:

PERBS a dit…

Looks like you had a great window seat in the airplane. How blessed you are to get to travel! I enjoyed the photos you shared so far!

Malyss a dit…

I was not in an airplane! I was on the roof of St-Peter ! (but don't tell to anyone..Ü)

nobu a dit…

Wonderful view!!
I thought you took these photos on the cloud, too.

Malyss a dit…

I think a real airplane would not be authorised to fly over the town, and especially above the city of Vatican.
But gulls can fly and rest where they want...:-))

Kenza a dit…

Bienvenue sur terre parmi les terriens!!!
Quelles magnifiques photos vues du ciel??? Non!!! Je vois que tu as déjà répondu à certaines questions...
J'espère en tout cas que tu en as bien profité et que tu vas nous émerveiller les jours qui viennent de fabuleux reportages!
Très grosses bises

Anonyme a dit…

Entre jardins et pierres, se dresse Rome!!! Passé et présent se répondent par delà les collines, les ruelles, les esplanades,dans les parfums de cette cuisine qui manie saveurs et couleurs,dans cette langue qui claque sous le soleil radieux! Ah! J'aime Rome... j'aime tes photos et tes textes: après cette arrivée spectaculaire :))) je me prépare donc à vivre de beaux moments en ta compagnie,

Rune Eide a dit…

A marvellous guided tour of Rome! I'll have to re-read this when I someday go there (It is on the "short-list")

abc a dit…

On the roof of the St. Peter, aha. I was wondering about a plane flying so low over the city. There are other cities where that happens though, like London and sometimes Amsterdam. But these pictures are great and show what a great time you must have had in Roma. I visited briefly a couple of times and enjoyed this great city very much. Let's see if you'll post some more from this place.

PERBS a dit…

Oh, sorry! It is all that I could imagine -- since I am not familiar with Rome, and I could see all the things from above view, I just presumed that it was a plane that you took them from. Guess you will have to be more specific next time.

Ayie a dit…

Wow, taken from a roof of St. Peter...brave! This are good shots, very nice.