La première vraie pluie depuis le 17 juin.
94 jours sans pluie! Et encore, celle-ci est toute petite...
Mais elle donne un joli gris au ciel,le sol est mouillé, les arbres sentent bon...
J'aime la pluie parce qu'elle fait briller les rues,elle donne un aspect frais et propre aux choses ,elle donne envie de rester à la maison pour boire un chocolat chaud,de se lover dans quelque chose de doux et de confortable, de lire un bon livre, de caresser son chat, d'allumer un feu dans une cheminé chanter sous la pluie!!
It is the first real rain since June, 17.
94 days without rain! and rhis one was a small one.
But this rain gave a beautyful grey to the sky, trees smell good, the roads are wet.
I love the rain because it makes the streets shining, it makes evrything seem clean,
the rain tells to stay at home to drink a hot chocolate,to read a good book, to caress your cat, to light a fire in the chimney, sing in the rain!!
2 commentaires:
We have had rain only two or three times this summer. I don't care for it because it rains a lot in other seasons in the Pacific Northwest. When I was deciding where to move to after college, I decided on Vancouver because it said in a book of facts about cities that the precipitation was high. Well, in Idaho where I lived that meant snow and I love that so here I moved. I found out when I got her that it meant rain and I was shocked because the rain forrest is north and west of us at the tip top of the state! lol
Glad you got your much needed rain and that you enjoy it.
Not much rain here either.
You write and express yourself very well. I wish I could do that. I have trouble just making an ordinary comment at times.
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