Il y a ce week-end de fabuleuses régates ici.
L'occasion d'admirer de merveilleux exemplaires , certains très vieux, certains très connus..
Je n'ai pas trop le temps d'écrire un long post maintenant, mais je reviendrai demain, avec un texte plus long et de nouvelles photos.
En attendant, régalez-vous!
I love boats, especially the old ones, of all sorts, from cargos to sailing boats.
This week-end, there are regattas here.
The opportunity to admire wonderful ships, some very old, some very known.
I've got no time to write a long post right now, but I will come back tomorrow with a longer text and more photos.
For now, enjoy!

1 commentaire:
How lucky you are to live so close to the water! We have the Columbia River that separates Washington from Oregon but we are two horus from the ocean. I look forward to your posts further about the ships/boats.
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