Il a été follement amoureux de Joséphine de Beauharnais, dont il a fait son impératrice, avant de devoir divorcer.Mais il ne l'oublia jamais.
Everyone knows Napoléon Bonaparte.
He was deeply in love with Josephine de Beauharnais, he made her empress, but then had to divorce.But he never forgot her.

Un des manteaux de Joséphine est conservé au Musée Masséna.
One of Josephine's mantles is here in the Masséna Museum.
Joséphine a touché l'empereur, et a touché ce manteau;
It's moving to think that we are only a pane away from a little piece of history.
Josephine touched the emperor, and she touched this mantle.
Rien qu'en tendant la main,nous pourrions, nous aussi, sentir le souffle de l'Histoire...
Only by stretching an arm, we too could feel the breath of History...
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