The Belem was build at Chanteney-on-Loire and first touched the sea on 1896, June 10.

It was called Belem because its owner ,Fernand Crouan, used it to transport goods towards Brasil and the seaport of Belem.
Il fut racheté en 1914 par le Duc de Westminter et transformé en yacht.
Duke of Westminster bought it in 1914 and made a yacht of it.
En 1921, c'est le brasseur irlandais Arthur Ernest Guiness qui l'achète à son tour et le rebaptise FantômeII;
In 1921, the rich Irish Arthur Ernest Guiness buys it and changes its name.Belem becomes the Ghost II.
A la mort de Sir Guiness, plus personne ne s'interesse au Belem, qui est finalement racheté en 1951 par la Fondation Cini qui en fait un navire-école.
After Sir Guiness's death, nobody cares about the Belem anymore.
Finally, in 1951, the boat is bought by the Cini Foundation and becomes a school-ship.
Le navire est classé monument historique , et il est utilisé comme navire-école et comme ambassadeur à chaque grande rencontre de vieux gréments.
In 1978, the Belem is sold, and in 1980, the Belem Foundation is created.
In 1978, the Belem is sold, and in 1980, the Belem Foundation is created.
1 commentaire:
What an exciting history! I am glad they saved it and it is still being used for something important. She is quite a beautiful ship!
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