"Au réveil, si douce la lumière, et si beau ce bleu vivant"
(Paul Valéry)

vendredi 12 septembre 2008

Mamma Mia!

C'est beau, c'est frais, c'est doux, c'est sucré, c'est pétillant,c'est léger,c'est bon, ça met de bonne humeur, ça donne envie de danser et de chanter, de tomber amoureux!!!!

Allez, courrez, voir "MAMMA MIA!"

Emmenez-y tous ceux que vous aimez et offrez leur un véritable moment de bonheur!

It's beautyful, it's light, it's sweet, it's soft, it's cheerful, it's bubbly, fizzy,it's full of sugar!
It will give you the desire of dancing, of singing, of falling in love!
Go, run, to see "Mamma mia!"
And take with you all the people you love, you will offer them a real moment of happyness!

1 commentaire:

PERBS a dit…

I heard of another teacher that has seen it 4 times already. Maybe I will have to look into it soon.