En me baladant, je repensais à un poète écossais . Cet homme adorait son pays, et il disait qu'il était très facile de devenir poète en Ecosse, car "le simple fait de marcher au milieu des splendides paysages,c'était déjà faire de la poésie".
Yesterday it was sunday and I went for a walk.
While I was strolling, I was thinking of a scottish poet.This man deeply loved his country and said that it was easy to become a poet in Scotland, because "the simple fact to walk among those wonderful landscapes was already making poetry".
En regardant autour de moi, je contemplais la lumière, les couleurs, tous ces bleus magnifiques,le ciel sans nuages..
..Asking myself who could sing all those marvels.
And then, my walk guided me to a small park dedicated to an unknown poet: Theodore de Banville.
Voici ce qu'il écrivait:
"Les villes ont leur destinée écrite et le sort de Nice est de régner sans partage parmi ces filles de la Méditerranée qui sont vêtues des flots transparents et de roses fleuries"..
Here is what he wrote:
"Towns have their destiny already written and the fate of Nice is to reign without share among those daughters of the Mediterranean Sea who are dressed of transparent waves and of roses in bloom"..
My scottisch poet was right : you only have to walk...
Et vous, un poète a-t-il écrit sur votre ville?..
Et vous, un poète a-t-il écrit sur votre ville?..
What about you: Did a poet ever write about your town?..
4 commentaires:
How interesting! I was wondering who Theodore was. . . don't know of any poets unless you count the hiker of whom their quote you use on your blog. Lewis and Clark did keep journals tho. . .
I think all towns of the world are poetic.
Many of people had lived there, and many of people are living.
My father was dead ten days ago, and he has come back to soil in my town.
just now, I feel evry thing I see in my twon are more lovely than ever.
Perbs: I heard about Lewis and Clark, they crossed your continent, and they got the help of an Indian woman to find the good trails.
Nobu:I know some towns which are very sad and ugly, but people who live there love them anyway; The poetry is maybe not in the city itself but in the way you look at it, in the memories you have lived there.
I'm so sad and sorry to read about your father. What you say about him is very beautyful, and shows that you loved him very much.That love will stay in you and make your town more beautyful forever..
Vraiment poétique ta petite balade à la recherche d'un poète! Si ce n'était la neige qui avait recouvert aujourd'hui notre jolie touraine d'un blanc manteau ( évènement dans la région), je sortirai de ce pas en quête d'un Balzac, d'un Ronsard, d'un Rabelais ou d'une Georges Sand qui aurait écrit sur ma petite ville...
Bises et à plus tard pour une réponse peut-être!!!
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