La spécialité ne réside pas tellement dans le mode de préparation , qui je pense est aussi pratiqué ailleurs, mais dans les fruits utilisés, qui sont de la région: citrons, mandarines, oranges, figues de barbarie...
C'est...commment dire?...tout simplement délicieux!
Une petite note sucrée pour finir la semaine en douceur....
These are fruits, prepared only with water and sugar, which then must rest a time, and then cooked again with more sugar, and rest again, and cooked again....It takes a long time, several days, to make that kind of thing!
The "local" side of it does not come from the way the fruits are cooked (I think this is made in other places) but from the fact that the fruits chosen come from local production: lemons, oranges, figs ,tangerines...
It is to say?.. delicious!
Just a little piece of sweetness to wish you a good week-end!
6 commentaires:
Sounds like fructose to me. I nevr saw whole fruit this way but the juices they make from fruit are treted with this sugary solution often.
Interesting whatever it is.
I'm glad you liked Kelli's blog. She's really a sweet person.
Tu nous mets encore l'eau à la bouche avec toutes ces bonnes choses en vitrine!!!!
Je suis très friande de sucreries, mais je ne savais pas pour les figues de barbarie! Tu es certaine qu'on en fabrique sous cette forme? Je serai curieuse d'en goûter!
Bonne soirée Malysse et tu m'envoies un petit morceau...
Looks delicious!
And those have lovely colour.
I suppose it is too late to get hold of something like that for the Sunday dessert?
I wish I had seen this on Saturday, because I would have got myself some for the weekend (or at least imagined so). It looks delicious and is very nicely presented. Mmmm!!
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