Dans cette histoire , qui se passe en Irlande, il y a un rideau de pluie, comme une barrière immatérielle. Chaque fois que les personnages le traversent, leur vie s'en trouve changée...
There is a book that I love, called "A purple taxi", written by Michel Déon, a french writer.
The tale takes place in Ireland;There is a curtain of rain in the story, like an immaterial fence. Each time the characters go through this curtain, their life is changing...
Yesterday, we had a curtain of snow all around the city;
We were separated from the rest of the world, roads were closed, we were surrounded by a white and shining fence, so near and so far at the same time, efficient but untouchable....
On our side, threatening clouds,grey sky, cold...
Beyond, the sun and the light.
Ce matin , le soleil est revenu partout, la circulation a été rétablie, la neige a commencé à fondre.
Demain, il ne restera plus aucune trace du rideau blanc qui nous entourait.
But all that was ephemere magic.
This morning, the sun came back everywhere, roads were opened again, snow slowly disappeared.
Tomorrow, there won't be no more tracks of the white curtain that encircled us.
Mais aujourd'hui et plus encore demain, j'adorerai me souvenir de ce moment féérique et silencieux ..
But today and much more tomorrow, I will like remembering this fairy and silent moment...
when the cold breath of the wind told me that I was now "on the other side"...
2 commentaires:
Très poétique ton récit, vraiment!!! Et comme toujours de très belles photos!
Grosses bises et à demain... Kenza
Oh! You get snow in the mountains!!!!!!!!!!!! Kinda like when I lived in California and was teaching. . . I took my kids outside to see the snow on the mountain just above our school. I am glad that you get to at least see it in the distance. I thought you had said you get no snow like Hawaii or some place like that. I wish you could have enjoyed it like I did during our 12 days o snow.
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