"The lighthouse was standing in the middle, very far, austere and white of being so old".
"This extraordinary unreality was frightened, but it was also passionating.To go to the Lighthouse."
"The lighthouse became immutable and the line of its faraway shore got fixed."
"A vrai dire, ils se trouvaient maintenant tout près du Phare.Il se dressait là, tout nu et tout droit, éclatant de blancheur et de noirceur, et l'on pouvait apercevoir les vagues qui se brisaient sur les rochers en blancs éclats semblables à des morceaux de verre."
"Now, they were very near the Lighthouse;It was standing there, naked and straight, shivering in white and black, and it was possible to see the waves which were breaking on the rocks like in many glass splinters."
"Il était donc comme cela, se disait James, le Phare qu'on apercevait depuis tant d'années de l'autre côté de la baie;c'était une tour toute nue sur un rocher stérile."
"So was it, James was thinking, the Lighthouse that we could see for so many years on the other side of the bay; it was a naked tower on a sterile rock."
"Le soir, en levant les yeux, on voyait cet oeil s'ouvrir et se fermer et la lumière semblait arriver jusqu'à eux dans ce jardin plein d'air et de soleil où ils étaient assis."
"In the evening, lifting up the eyes, one could see this eye opening and closing, and the light seemed to reach them in this garden, full of air and sun, where they were sitting."
4 commentaires:
Ce ciel d'un bleu tellement pur... ce phare d'une blancheur si éclatante et ces montagnes toujours couvertes de neige... sur des mots de Virgina Woolf et la magie des lieux nous arrive jusqu'ici! Merci!!!
Bon week-end à toi Malyss
Beautiful shots of the light house. I would like to go inside one and see what it's like.
Funny what you said on my blog about the man with the beard. For some reason he seemed to like me and followed me around talking to me. My husband is still teasing me about him.
Interesting interpretation with photo too! I have been near lighthouses but never in one that I can remember.
Fantastic photos and story.
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