Mais pour nous, pas de blanc manteau, pas de jolis flocons venant délicatement se poser sur les plantes endormies...
The wave of cold that has fallen on our country began in the north and arrived yesterday on our southern shores.
But for us, no white mantel, no pretty flakes falling slowly on the sleeping plants...
Alors, les rues se transforment en miroirs embués, les parapluies commencent à danser, essaimant des touches de couleurs sur l'atmosphère grise, petits coins de paradis ambulants que l'on sert contre son coeur pour ne pas les laisser s'envoler..
Here, it's cold, but it rains!
Then, the streets become steamy mirrors, umbrellas begin to dance, leaving behind touches of colors as tracks in the grey mood, small pieces of paradise that we hold close near our heart so that they can't fly away...
Today is THE perfect day to stay at home, to read a good book, with the purring cat on my knees, to drink a hot chocolate , to close the eyes, to dream...that it is raining...
5 commentaires:
Chez nous c'est le grand froid sibérien terrrrrible... -17° ce matin!!! Mais un grand ciel bleu azur et un soleil éblouissant sur la neige qui tient en campagne!
C'est magnifique, mais comme toi, je suis très contente de regarder à travers la fenêtre avec Papillon mon petit chien, je n'ai hélas pas de chat!!!
Grosses bises
Is it foggy?
In Japan, we don't have so much rain in winter.
Kenza: -17, ça devient impressionnant! c'est inhabituel, et bizarre quand on nous parle de réchauffement climatique...
Nobu:No,we have never fog in the place I live. There is rain because my town is just between the sea and the mountains.But this year is very particular.Usualy, we have not so much rain...
Your writing sounds like a poet. Very pretty!
We just have the cold rain here also. Occasionally a little snow but not often.
It is raining here also -- most of the snow is melted except the piles of it where they cleared parking lots. Today I took a walk down to the river to see if it wa going to flood as the news has been saying and he water is much higher than a week ago. I compare by looking for a big tree trunk that had fallen years ago on the beach. I could not even walk on the beach today--the water came right up to the sidewalk!
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