Tout moderne,avec de grandes verrières qui laissent entrer le soleil, des ascenseurs ultra-modernes, quatre étages de boutiques.
Modèle courant,classique , normal.
We have a big shoping center in the town.
Very modern, with big windows to let the light enter, modern lifts, four floors of shops.
Usual, classical, normal.
A few people are walking the nose upside in the air, but I often do.And here is what I discovered on the celling of the last floor...
Des grenouilles,
Des grenouilles,
Dwarfs, turtles,..
And on fences, more frogs, butterflies, fairies..
playing with the light.
Comme quoi, la poésie peut se nicher partout, poser un sourire sur le visage des passants, et rendre n'importe quel monde un peu plus joli..
A little pretty world that had found a place among metal and modern design..
It goes to show that poetry can hide everywhere,can put a smile on the face of the people passing by,and can make anything a little prettier..
6 commentaires:
Jolie et insolite promenade poétique...
Adorable, tu as vraiment le coup d'oeil! C'est la pricipale qualité d'une artiste!!!
Je vois que mon amie Karine est passé par là!
Grosses bises et bon dimanche
"poetry can hide everywhere"
I think so too.
I especially like the fence with butterflies and swirls. You are very observant! I have never been in a 4 story shopping center. I remember in Hawaii, they had a three story Woolworth's -- a "dime" store as they called them in my youth. Thanks for sharing another part of your world!
I forgot to ask -- are those circular things elevators?
Yes, the white and circular things are elevators
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